I was a young girl when Martin Luther King, Jr was killed. I was mature enough to realize that his death was a tragedy. I was just beginning to understand why he fought for civil rights for all people. I read his life story and watched movies about him too. I very was impressed with him because he had more tenancy than most men. I believed that God called Martin Luther King, Jr to fulfill the freedom mission. He knew he was the man for the job. This reminds me of how God knew Moses was the man who could lead the Israelites out of Egypt. Both of these men were relentless in spite of the obstacles they faced. I salute President Regan for being brave enough to pass a law making Martin Luther King, Jr's birthday a federal holiday in 1983. I was very sad when I heard about his death on April 4, 1968. Somehow I knew, he would eventually be killed. I was still very proud of him. He kept on fighting and delivering his message in spi...